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​The ingredients in commercially prepared baby food is heated to high temperatures to sterilize and prolong the shelf life. This process takes away many of the vital nutrients and flavours. 

 This is why I began Java's Bare Baby Food. I have always had a love for the kitchen and when it came time to give my daughter Ava solids, I couldn't imagine doing anything but making it fresh...And I love doing it!


I realise that a lot of people don't have the same passion about the kitchen as I do; or some people just don't have the time.  There are no options out there for these people other than store bought, shelf stable baby food. I started this company to give people a healthy, affordable alternative so their children can still have the best when it comes to nutrition. We're just a small company working out of a home kitchen, but we're producing big, beautiful, flavoursome food thats good enough to feed my own daughter.



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