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Something your baby can eat on their own and feel like a big kid! 

Finger Foods 


Banana Mini "Muffins"​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sugarless and naturally sweetened by the banana, the muffins only other ingredients is whole wheat flour, a touch of butter, bicarb soda and a pinch of cinnamon. You would never guess they were so healthy!


If you would prefer gluten free - just ask (and add an additional $4.00)!

12 mini-muffins 


Pint Sized Vegemite Scrolls​

A perfect balance of vegemite and cheddar cheese wrapped in pastry. Just the right size for little hands!

12 Scrolls



Mini Crustless Quiches​

Eggs combined with two cheeses and few other special ingredients to make a healthy, protein rich "quiche"... only smaller.

12 mini quiches (approx. size of mini muffins)





Opa! Balls
These Greek inspired meatballs are going to make you shout "OPA"!! Made with Lamb, spinach and fetta cheese; these will become a fast favourite of theirs (and yours!)
600 grams


​Pork Bolognese​
Pork, carrots and celery cooked in a rich tomato sauce and added to pasta. Messy, but well worth it!
8 Servings

What happens when you combine oats, peanut butter and honey and then roll it in coconut? Giant smiles. Leave these for the babies... I dare you to try! Keep the in the fridge, they last for months.
approx. 25 snowballs (depending on size)






Sweet, Sweet Yumminess

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